There are many things to consider before purchasing a vehicle. The first is identifying what type of vehicle fits your specific needs. Metro Motors KC sales Used Cars and Trucks of all types. We carry everything from coupes to full size SUVs. Below are a few things to consider before making a buying decision.
Identify My Needs
How many passengers do I need accommodate?
What type of driving conditions define your daily routine: highway, city streets, off-road?
Will you be driving in the rain, ice, snow, or mud?
Do you have a long commute? Is gas mileage important to you?
Will you need to tow with your new vehicle?
What safety features are most important to you?
What are your cargo needs?
Will you be using car seats?
Establish Your Budget
There are several ways to purchase a vehicle. Metro Motors KC provides many ways to pay for your new vehicle. We provide the most competitive finance options to all credit profiles, accept cash payments, bank checks, and buy here pay here. We have relationships with many prime and sub-prime lenders in the Midwest region. We can help finance Bad Credit Car Loans. Guaranteed credit approval! Below are some important points to keep in mind.
Most banks allow up to 15% of your gross or total monthly income to be used towards a monthly car payment.
Every $1,000 you finance is typically between $20-$35 per month (Can vary considerably based upon credit and vehicle)